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Laser welding machine manipulator
Laser welding machine manipulator

Specification: the OSI - M10/21
Units: the game until the photoelectric
Price: the electricity discussion
Note: the optical fiber transmission laser welding machine is a high energy laser beam coupled into the fiber, long-distance transmission, through the accurate diameter straight for parallel light, in focusing on the workpiece on the implementation of a laser welding equipment, welding for welding inaccessible place, flexible transmission non-contact welding line, with greater flexibility. Suzhou manipulator laser welding machine
Product description:

Manipulator fiber laser welding machine is a high energy laser beam coupled into the fiber, long-distance transmission, through the accurate diameter straight for parallel light, in focusing on the workpiece on the implementation of a laser welding equipment, welding for welding inaccessible place, flexible transmission non-contact welding line, has more

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